Physical activity

The CISSS de la Côte-Nord promotes a physically active lifestyle using communication campaigns, reference material, intervention tools, and support and advice. Various strategies are implemented to engage, influence and mobilize the different actors of the region and to create environments conducive to a physically active lifestyle. To achieve this, several partners are involved.

Ateliers « Adopter un mode de vie physiquement actif »

Des ateliers gratuits sont offerts à toute la population par les kinésiologues de la Direction de santé publique. Ils visent à favoriser l'adoption d'un mode de vie physiquement actif et amener une réflexion chez les participants. Démarre le chargement du fichierCliquez ici pour plus de détails et pour connaître les lieux et l'horaire des ateliers.


Viactive is a structured and adapted program of group physical activities for autonomous people aged 50 and over. It is free of charge and it enables seniors to move while brightening up their social life. Contact your CISSS to learn more about the active groups near you.

Jouer aux exercices! - Games and exercises for parents and their children

As a new parent, doing physical activity on a regular basis can be challenging. It is not always easy to balance family demands and professional obligations while taking some personal time. This Démarre le chargement du fichierdocument and these /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextvideos (French only) contain examples of activities which are both useful and pleasant, because they give you the opportunity to move while playing with your child. There are also stimulation activities promoting the global development of your little one.

Vifa Magazine

The /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextVifa Magazine (French only) gives parents tips and tricks about family oriented physical activities, healthy eating and many other parenting concerns.

Good practices for shovelling snow