Parental leave

To inform the CISSS de la Côte-Nord of your pregnancy, fatherhood or adoption, please contact the person below:

Resource personContact information
Claude Simard418 589-2038, 342931

Useful information and links

Maternity leave

First, you must apply for benefits with the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP). 

In order to receive the payment complementary to the QPIP benefits during your maternity leave, you must provide a copy of the document “Benefit Calculation Report – Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP)” to the person in charge of fringe benefits as soon as your eligibility and the benefit amount are confirmed.

Following the 21 weeks of maternity leave, you will be considered in leave without pay for a maximum of two years. To inform us of your desire to take the leave without pay and of the duration you want, you must complete the form Démarre le chargement du fichierDemande de modification du congé parental sans solde ou avis de retour au travail (in French) before the end of your maternity leave.

Group insurance and other fees during the maternity leave / two-year parental leave without pay

You can chose whether you want to suspend your group insurance protections during your parental leave (except for the compulsory medical component) or maintain all your protections.

Other fees that you usually pay can be suspended during your absence, such as parking fees, donations to charities and social club fees.

If you want to maintain either of these services, the usual fees will continue being applied during your absence. Please complete the form Démarre le chargement du fichierAdhésion au débit pré-autorisé (in French) to plan regular payments and avoid having to pay all these fees when you come back to work.

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